Hi my peers!

I am Eleonora and I have been studying in this university for almost 5 LONG years…so I do not need to introduce myself since most of you already know who I am.. :-)
Just to spend a few words about me, as you can read on my post for “e-tivity one” I am quite determined and my great passions are traveling, movies, music and learning new things.
I hope you will like my blog and find it useful for your English; this is my first experience on the blogosphere but I will try to do my best to keep my page updated and to fill it in with interesting posts (and you will have to help me with your comments, eh eh.. :-D..)
Well, I never thought it would be so much fun to develope my own blog... :-) I really had a great time!
It took me quite long to find a nice layout for my page but in the end it was all worth it...now I can say I am satisfied.. ;-)
I am really eager to learn more about the blogosphere and to become an active part of it; it is amazing to see how much material you can find there!



PS: Please open this page with Mozilla Firefox (sometimes when you use Internet Explorer my posts are not displayed properly...do not ask me why.. :-)....)

venerdì 11 aprile 2008

Fourth Skype exchange

Hello everybody!
Here I am again to discuss my fourth Skype meeting which took place on Tuesday afternoon. This week we kept on talking about politics and elections in Italy and USA. Anyway, this time we went deeper into the issues each platform concentrates more on. Sharon asked me some questions about Berlusconi’s and Veltroni’s programs and when we switched to English we had a long conversation about American candidates.

As usual, we started talking in Italian and Sharon wanted to know more about Italy’s biggest problem: tax evasion. I explained her what the different governments tried to do in order to solve it and why the whole situation with taxes is so bad here, although this was quite a difficult issue to talk about. The system is pretty complicated and it was not easy to find the right words to give her an idea of how things work. Anyway, everything went well in the end :-)
We also discussed a little bit about immigration in general: she asked me if we have many immigrants in Italy, where they mostly come from etc…So we anticipated the topic we are supposed to focus on next week…Hope this will not be a problem :-P

As Sarah had asked us I had posted some questions about platforms on the forum, so I started from them when we began to talk in English. I have just answered these questions on our exchange page so I will not repeat the same things here ;-) I can only say that I got more information about American health care system and Sharon confirmed me what Chiara had told us in class.
For those who cannot afford insurance it is extremely expensive to get medical aid. Of course if you need assistance and you are not insured they will not let you die….But then you will have to pay for it for the rest of your life. Even calling an ambulance can cost thousands of dollars. It really sounds quite illogical to me: if I do not have insurance it means I cannot afford it, so how am I supposed to pay this huge amount of money?
Health care is a big problem in America and is a crucial issue in both Hillary’s and Obama’s platforms. The USA have always been well known for its private health care system…Now I am curious to see if things will change with the next president.
We agreed it is a real shame because in America there are a lot of excellent hospitals and doctors, but unfortunately only few people can take full advantage of them. It is absurd, isn’t it?

Ok, see you later for the post about immigration…

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